There are a lot of great resources for accessing careers working directly on important EA cause areas in policy. Here are a few:
Emergingtechpolicy.org: This website offers excellent advice and resources for people interested in US government and policy careers, especially for those focusing on emerging tech issues like AI or bio. Sign up here for content updates and policy opportunities.
The emergingtechpolicy.org website includes many helpful guides for students and professionals, including:
In-depth guides to working in Congress, think tanks, and specific AI policy-relevant federal agencies (e.g. DOC, DHS, State)
Lists of resources, think tanks, and fellowships by policy area (e.g. AI, biosecurity, cyber, nuclear security)
Policy internships (e.g. Congressional internships, semester in DC programs)
Policy fellowships (incl. a database of 50+ programs)
Career profiles of policy practitioners in AI and biosecurity policy
The 80,000 Hours guides on policy careers, such as:
Policy and political skills profile (part of their new series of professional skills profiles)